1. Small Molecules Analysis Capability
Quick turn-around time for method development and adhering the required regulatory guidelines.

2. Large Molecules Analysis Capability
Experience in developing complex methods which require
- Baseline corrections such as Ursodiol, Ethinyl Estradiol
- Chiral methods such as Venlafaxine, R&S Propronolol, R&S Flubiprofen
- Derivatization methods like Ethinyl Estradiol, Estrone, Mesalamine
- Multiple analyte methods like
- Atorvastain
- Piperaquine + Dihydroartemisinin
- Diltiazem
- Bictegravir, Tenofovir Alfanamide, Emtricitabine
3. Central Lab
- Bioanalytical infrastructure is equipped with high end instruments like
- API 5500
- API 4500
- API 4000
- Xevo TQS
- As mentioned above to handle highly sensitive methods like Estradiol, Estrone, Nicotine, Triamcinolone, Isotretinoin
- Two ICP-MS to handle metal analysis

Should be mentioned about the method library including complex methods
Write up of Central Lab
- 1. Major Equipment
- a. Haematology analyser
- b. Cooling Incubator
- c. Centrifuge